12 February 2010


What to write??? I wonder where does a person start from when they are writing a blog -about everyday mundane activities, about family and friends,breaking news,world discussions,current trends etc etc.I get lost in my thoughts everytime I log in to this sphere ..see last week the topic on my mind was Twittering & then it was certain movies & books...then about the blog fight and debate in the some of the Indian celebrities' blogs I follow...its an ever-ending list...
Have been reading through some interesting poetry recently...and came across this verse..felt like sharing it in this space.
"Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow--
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream"
-by Edgar Allan Poe.

05 February 2010

I'm back! :):)

Thats it….Enough of laziness….reprimanded myself for just thinking, thinking but not being regular enough to blog…But now no excuses…some disciplines should be maintained..lol;);)

Certain things in the Blogworld amazes me...I accept primarily because I am still new to the medium...and also have not been able to be regular on this front.
But some of the things that awes me -

1>If the statistics are true and if so many people are actually blogging,why do you I have so less visitors?:):)
2>Why is that whoever and whichever blog I have visited have scores of Followers and visitors (even though some of them have been just everyday scraps!!!)

The answer I am searching for this are there any specific equations that work in the Blogworlld or like most of the unexplained rules in nature,this is just a Figment of my Imagination that I am the only solitary visitor to my Blog...

Oh ya,by the way I have decided now that I am going to be more regular on this medium...lets see how the Resolution works...